Home About Kate Contact Our Team FAKE : Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets: How Lies Are Making the Poor and Middle Class Poorer By Robert Kiyosaki Robert Kiyosaki has built a legacy around simplifying complex and often-confusing subjects like money and investing....
Home About Kate Contact Our Team Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds By David Goggins For David Goggins childhood was a nightmare—poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse coloured his days and haunted his nights. But through self-discipline, mental...
Home About Kate Contact Our Team Do you struggle with self-doubt? At some point in your entrepreneurial journey, or even your life journey, you will experience self-doubt. It is that annoying voice in your head which constantly tells you what to do. That voice is...
Home About Kate Contact Our Team Email marketing is still superior I recently did a little experiment because I’m sick of people saying email marketing is dead. It is not dead and it will not die unless the entire internet closes down. I ran some ads to cold traffic...
Home About Kate Contact Our Team Capitalism is not the enemy in business I recently did a little experiment because I’m sick of people saying email marketing is dead. It is not dead and it will not die unless the entire internet closes down. I ran some ads to cold...